

Inspire each other to strive to be better.
Be each other’s number one fan and motivator.

ALSO READ: 10 Ways to Inspire Your Partner to Change for the Better

 Love with no conditions.
Love a person not because s/he meets your standards, but because s/he is the person you choose to love.

 Never tell a lie.
One lie will lead to another, and once busted, trust is broken.

Keep no secrets from each other.
Openness is the first step to trust.

Schedule a regular date.
To make sure you always have time for each other, set a regular date schedule.

 Court your partner’s family.
Make an effort to win your partner’s family too.

ALSO READ: 15 Tips on How to Impress Your Girlfriend’s Parents

Do not be self-seeking.
Do not just focus on what you can get from the relationship, think about how you can help your partner too.

Do not base love on romantic feelings.
The magic you feel—which is actually attraction—when you are in love will fade away after months.

Do not set fairytales and romantic fictions as relationship standards.
God’s directing and the storyline for your love story is way more beautiful.

ALSO READ: 21 Characteristics of True Love According to the Bible

Value second chances.
If given a second chance, show that you deserve it.

It is hard to commit if half of you wishes you were still with your ex.

ALSO READ: 30 Ways to Forgive Yourself and Move On from the Past

Take it slow.
It takes time to develop true love.

 Do not fall in love, but rather grow in love.
Falling in love is usually just a spur of emotion and wears off after some time. Visualize your future together.
If you can envision yourself with your partner, it means you want to spend the rest of your life with him/her.

Powerful Love Tips for a Lasting Relationship
Photo by lesya_green
28. Accept the flaws of your partner.
You are not perfect either.

ALSO READ: How to Accept Someone for Who They Are in a Relationship

On the other hand, growing in love is more levelheaded and requires conscious effort to spend time with the person and get to know him/her first.

Find someone who shares your values and life goals.
In the long run, especially in creating your own family, having the same principles will help create harmony.

Look for someone who makes an effort to get close to your family.
Find someone who gets along well with your family.

Love in deeds not just in words.
Rather than making many promises and sweet declarations, express your love through actions more.

It is regarded as sacred so it would be treated with utmost care and respect.

Be a good steward of your partner’s trust.
Do not do anything that you know can break your partner’s trust.
. Listen before you nag.
Before you say anything, allow your partner to explain his/her side.

Powerful Love Tips for a Lasting Relationship
Photo by fernandozhiminaicela 
ALSO READ: 10 Tips on How to be a Better Listener in Your Relationship

Support each other’s endeavors.
Respect and support each other’s passion and dreams.

Do not expect someone to love you completely if you cannot love yourself fully.
Before finding love in someone, learn to settle self-image issues and embrace yourself whatever you are.

ALSO READ: 40 Ways to Love Yourself

 Move on from your past first.
Do not commit to love someone new if you are still hurting from your past relationship. Treat each other with grace.

Be the first to apologize.
Regardless of whose fault it is, let humility abound in your relationship.

 Do not do unto your partner what you do not want your partner to do unto you.
Apply the golden rule in your relationship.

If you want to end up with the best, be the best yourself.
Be the kind of person that you want to end up with.

Learn each other’s love language.
Find out your partner’s love expression.

Remember: the brain is above the heart—do not let emotions cloud your judgments.
Do not let what you feel towards the person dictate your decisions and actions. With wisdom, think clearly before jumping to a decision involving your relationships

Do not keep records of wrongs.
Stop bringing up past issues every time you have a misunderstanding.

Forgive and forget.
If you want this relationship to go on, then be willing to forgive and move on from mistakes.

Hate the mistake but not the person.
Whenever you have fights, remember that you are not enemies.

Be generous with appreciation.
Appreciate every little thing your partner does for you.

Make friendship the firm foundation of your relationship.
Be best friends.

Give second chances.
There should be an allowance for mistakes in your relationship. Always show gratitude.
Let “thank you” be the favorite phrase next to “I love you” in your relationship.

Make your relationship a triangle among God, your partner, and yourself—with God at the top.
A God-centered relationship is selfless.


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